Grab a ROAD iD!

Our longtime friends with ROAD iD are back for a second straight week with #RunChat, which kicks off at 8 p.m. ET Sunday, Oct. 27!

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If you’ve been on the fence on whether or not to get a wearable ID, please take advantage of our discount! With code RUNCHAT20, you can get 20% off your purchase of any ID. CLICK/TAP HERE to get started!

A wearable ID can help emergency officials identify you, contact loved ones, and be aware of critical information if an accident occurs while on a run. 

And this week could win an ID band in two ways! The first — retweeting the tweet below by 7:55 p.m. ET Sunday, Oct. 27!

One winner will be drawn at random and announced in the final few minutes of #RunChat. You MUST also answer at least one question during the chat to be eligible to win.

The second way to enter? Just tell us why you need a ROAD iD in a tweet and answer at least one question during the chat. For example, you can just fill in the blank:

I need a @ROADiD because ______. #RunChat

Your tweet can vary from above, but you MUST tag @ROADiD, link back to this post and use the #RunChat tag.

One winner will be selected from random from this way of entering and also announced in the final few minutes of the chat. (And yes, you can enter both ways!)

Enter only once per Twitter account through this method. Retweets do not increase your chances of winning.

Note: all winners will receive a gift card so you can actually purchase any ROAD iD you’d like.


* Please note that the discount code includes the new glow-in-the-dark Stretch IDs for kids and adults.

This will help see them and they can see you!
